Announcing 2015 Capita Foundation Auditory Research (CFAR) grant award recipients
Amanda Lauer, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Otolaryngology
Project Title: “Optimizing hearing with top-down brain control of the ear.”
Project Description
overall goal of my research is to understand how auditory input from the ear
affects the brain, and how the brain in turn affects the ear through efferent
feedback loops. I am particularly interested in understanding the hearing disorders
that develop when input to and from the brain is altered. We propose to study
top-down efferent effects on hearing to understand how the brain controls the
ear using optogenetic, behavioral, and immunohistochemical techniques in rodent
models. Understanding how
these pathways work may open up new treatment avenues for hearing disorders and
will help us understand how hearing is optimized by top-down brain control of
cochlear activity.
(MOC) and lateral olivocochlear (LOC) neurons project from the brain to the ear
and control information sent back to the brain. Adapted from Lauer et al.
(2012). Neurobiology of Aging.
Sanjee Abeytunge
The Rockefeller University
Project Title: "A Novel Micro-probe for Direct Stimulation of Cochlear Hair Cells
The ear is the fastest and most sensitive sensory
organ in the human body. It can resolve data a thousand times faster than the
eye and can detect vibrations in the environment at the atomic-scale. The
dynamic range of human hearing embraces up to 120 dB of sound-pressure level
(SPL). This dynamic range allows humans to hear a millionfold range of
amplitudes. The frequency response of a human ear extends to 20 kHz while other
mammals, such as whales and bats, can hear up to hundreds of kilohertz.
However, the current stimulation probes of hair cells in the cochlea, the sense
organ of the ear, to study the mechanics of the inner ear is limited to less
than 1 kHz. This limitation leaves most of the mammalian auditory frequencies
unstudied. This experimental limitation is due to the physical dimensions of
the probes and their configurations used during experiments. My work is design
and construction of a micrometer scale novel probe that will overcome the
current frequency limitation.